When I have available adults, if there are any quirks or eccentricities, they will be disclosed and discussed with you in depth before I decide whether your home is a suitable placement for each individual or not.  That being said, there are no refunds on adults.  
However, if things don't work out for whatever reason, I will take them back as long as they have been properly vetted (with documents from your vet showing that shots, heartworm preventative, etc. are still up to date) and all of the AKC paperwork, shot records, rabies certificate, etc. that were sent with them is also returned.

Toy Tiny Toy Teacup and Pocket size AKC Poodle Puppies
2 year old in tact male for rehoming. His daddy moved out of the country and could not take him with him so he brought him back to me. He is a Ruby/Copper puppy from October 2022. He is VERY playful and sweet. Never meets a stranger and LOVES my 4 year old grandsons. He needs a yard for exercise or frequent walks. He weighs 6.5 pounds according to his shots records from his vet but I suspect he has put on a bit since he came back home since I free feed.lol
Toy Tiny Toy Teacup and Pocket size AKC Poodle Puppies
His daddy had him shaved down before he brought him back. As soon as it grows out enough I will put a better haircut on him and get new pictures.
Toy Tiny Toy Teacup and Pocket size AKC Poodle Puppies
He is as sweet and cute as he looks. lol He will either be placed without his original AKC Registration application papers that his daddy never sent in or with his Limited AKC Registration Application papers, either one is fine.
Toy Tiny Toy Teacup and Pocket size AKC Poodle Puppies
I know these all look like the same picture but they really aren't. He'd been running around playing with my pack and was worn out.lol FREE to a good home that has been approved.